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Conscious Soulful Parenting

               Parenting with consciousness
                 from the level of the Soul!



When you consciously look at Parenting from the

level of the SOUL,

there is a richness that makes your journey

even more meaningful.   

YOU have the extraordinary opportunity to

nurture the development and unfolding

of a new spirit on Planet Earth!


Questions you might ask yourself are:


What is this child here for?

What is his/her unique gifts to share?

What are the gifts this relationship will offer to me?

What can I bring to my relationship with this child?



Following are my offerings around

Conscious Soulful Parenting. 







With one on one parenting, I work with parents privately, supporting them with their individual and unique family matters.

I listen to your concerns and joys and as we dialogue, often

a new insights or different way of looking at

a situation emerges. 


Such one on one consulting is also available for families with children with special needs, such as one with a chronic health condition, physical challenges and/ or one who has withdrawn from life.    












                            PARENTING A CHILD



When a family has been given the opportunity to parent a special child with  a chronic health condition, they are being asked to be extraordinary! Not only are they called to handle the regular duties of parenting, but they are called to come to understand the special needs of their child and search for health solutions as well. It’s a undertaking that requires dedication, focus and steadfastness… a journey of extraordinary love, wisdom and mindfulness. 


It’s my intention that my experience in walking this path as a parent of three children, one with special needs, will support YOU in walking your unique path with greater easy, joy and wisdom.


Now, I have the gift of knowing about Qi Gong for health and wellness. It's a remarkable practice for health, healing, happiness and well-being.  I bring this into our sessions. 


THIS JOURNEY is about how parents can bring extraordinary love, wisdom and mindfulness into their everyday family life with a focus on health and well-being for each member of the family!    Such a focus for all members of the family can bring the family together in many ways and bring a richness to the family unit.  


  For more information on this program or to see if it is

right for you, CONTACT Sharon.  






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