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  • sharonannwikoff3

Little Things are really BIG...and BIG things are really Little!

Updated: May 18

I heard Caroline Myss, author of Anatomy of the Spirit, and many other fabulous books, years ago say something like the title of this blog. At that time, I didn't understand the statement as deeply as I understand it today.

Over the last few months I've heard many spiritual teachers speak about the importance of unconditional love, kindness and compassion. We've heard about the importance of such

qualities for decades, and yet, are we really mindful about living them on a daily basis?

The energies on the planet are being raised day by day. The energies are part of the nature of the planet. AND you and I are part of nature. Thus, in order to be well, to live rightly, our

energies must align with those of nature. ACTS OF KINDNESS are an excellent way to align with nature and the new vibration on the planet.

I invite you to observe others you interact with this week and see how your body and system react to their expressions. Allow your body to "feel" the energies from others. It's a powerful way to understand the importance of kindness, unconditional love and compassion.

Together We Learn...Together We Grow!

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